Day 0 | August 28th
Arrival of participants to São Miguel Island (Ponta Delgada airport)
- transport from airport to hotel (10 minutes)
- check-in at Neat Hotel Avenida
Breakfast at Neat Hotel Avenida
08h00 - 08h45 Registration (University of the Azores, Scientific Complex Hall)
08h45 - 09h30 Opening ceremony (Scientific Complex – Amphitheater A.026)
CONVENERS: Fátima Viveiros & César Andrade
09h30 - 10h00
Keynote speaker: José Virgílio Cruz
José Virgílio Cruz, C. Andrade, F. Viveiros, R. Coutinho, L. Ferreira
Volcanic lakes on the Azores archipelago (Portugal): geological and hydrological framework
10h00 - 10h20
Pedro M. Raposeiro, C. Ritter, M. Abbott, E. Lasher, M. Płóciennik, B. Kotrys, M. S. Souto, A. Pimentel, A. Hernandez, S. Giralt, V. Gonçalves
Palaeoclimate interpretation of oxygen stable isotope data and chironomid from a North Atlantic (Azores archipelago) lake sediment archives
10h20 - 10h40
G. Tamburello, Dmitri Rouwet, C. Andrade, F. Viveiros, J. V. Cruz, R. Coutinho
The first 3D chemical mapping of a degassing volcanic lake: CO2 budget of Lagoa das Furnas, São Miguel, Azores
10h40 - 11h00
Mariana Andrade, R. S. Ramalho, A. Pimentel, A. Hernández, S. Kutterolf, A. Sáez, M. Benavente, P. M. Raposeiro, S. Giralt
The Holocene maar-forming eruptions of Flores Island (Azores): insights from subaerial deposits and lacustrine sedimentary records
11h00 - 11h20
11h20 - 11h40
Catarina Silva, F. Viveiros, T. Ferreira, P. Allard, C. Andrade, J. V. Cruz
Soil diffuse degassing (222Rn and CO2) at Furnas Volcano (São Miguel, Azores)
11h40 - 12h00
Nicolau Wallenstein, C. Andrade, A. Duncan
Evolution of Fogo Lake (São Miguel, Azores) morphology in the last 5 ka. A first approach based on volcanic structures and volcanostratigraphy
12h00 - 12h20
Rita Carmo, J. Madeira, T. Ferreira, A. Hipólito
Tectonic control of eruptive centers in S. Miguel Island (Azores)
12h20 - 12h40
CVL Steering Committee | CVL12 - 2026 proposals
12h40 - 14h00
CONVENERS: Dmitri Rouwet & Tobias Fisher
14h00 - 14h30
Keynote speaker: Takeshi Ohba
Takeshi Ohba, M. Yaguchi
Geochemical monitoring of lake water in the Yugama crater and adjacent fumarolic gases reveal the long-term volcanic activity cycles of the Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan
14h30 - 14h50
Francisco Montalvo
Monitoring active volcanoes through volcanic lakes
14h50 - 15h10
Manfred van Bergen
Towards reading the signals from volcanic-hydrothermal systems in active hyper-acid lakes
15h10 - 15h30
Alain Bernard
Heat and mass balance calculations applied to Taal volcanic lake (Philippines)
15h30 - 15h50
Julien Robic, V. Debaille, E. Villacorte, D. Syahbana, A. Bernard
Zinc and Strontium isotopes systematics as proxies of water-rock interaction in volcanic lakes
15h50 - 16h10
A.J. Marshall
Monitoring the Volcanic Lakes of Ahi Tupua (TVZ, NZ)
16h10 - 16h30
16h30 - 16h50
Felipe Aguilera, J. Caro, S. Layana
The Evolution of Peteroa Volcano (Chile–Argentina) Crater Lakes Between 1984 and 2020 Based on Landsat and Planet Labs Imagery Analysis
16h50 - 17h10
Javier Sanchez-España
Geochemical, limnological and microbiological characteristics of acidic pit lakes and their comparison with volcanic lakes
17h10 - 17h30
Teresa Scolamacchia
Sulfur viscosity and its impurities. Implications for eruption’s priming and geochemical monitoring
17h30 - 17h50
Allan Lerner, J. L. Palandri, P. J. Kelly, M. H. Reed
Progress in modeling volcanic gas scrubbing in volcanic lakes using gas-water-rock reactions
17h50 - 18h30
CONVENERS: Jacopo Cabassi & Agnes Mazot
Keynote speaker: Johan Varekamp
C. N. Cauley, Johan Varekamp
Paulina Lake, Newberry Volcano, OR, USA: a modern analog of a BIF deposit?
08h30 - 09h00
Lisa Ricci, S. Caliro, F. Frondini
Insights on the geochemistry of lakes associated with a passive rift system: Guéry lake (Massif Central, France) and Laacher See (Volcanic Eifel, Germany) by comparison
09h00 - 09h20
Stijn Albers, T. Vandorpe, C. Caudron, B. Schmidt, J. Ritter, K. Reicherter, M. De Batist
Underwater gas seepage at Laacher See: spatial and temporal variability of CO₂ degassing in a caldera lake in Germany
09h20 - 09h40
Franco Tassi, G. Chiodini, M. Procesi, D. Cinti, J. Cabassi, O. Vaselli, S. Caliro, G. Pecoraino, D. Rouwet
A 33-years geochemical survey Lake Albano (Alban Hills, Latium, Italy): insights into time-dependent CO₂-rich reservoir variations associated with seismic activity
09h40 - 10h00
S. Merlino, Marco Bianucci, D. Del Rosso, A. Grezio, A. Guarnieri, M. Locritani, F. Muccini, M. Paterni, D. Rouwet
Integrating drifter data analysis into Lake Albano modeling
10h00 - 10h20
M. Locritani, Silvia Merlino, D. Melini, A. Grezio, M. Bianucci, A. Guarnieri, S. Garvani, S. Cianetti, T. Alberti, V. Belloni, D. Grande, L. Rossi
MACMAP game: an educational game that highlights the multidisciplinary approach to the study of climate change
10h20 - 10h40
10h40 - 11h00
CONVENERS: Johan Varekamp & Rui Coutinho
Jennifer Lewicki, S. Peek, C. McVey, C. Alpers
Geochemistry of gases and CO₂ emissions from the Sulphur Bank Mine hydrothermal system, Clear Lake Volcanic Field, California
11h00 - 11h20
Zachary Smith, M. Hornbach, M. Manga
Impacts of Volcanic Lake Level Fluctuations on the Evolution of Sublacustrine Hydrothermal Systems in Mono Lake, California
11h20 - 11h40
A. Jentsch
UWE- A new Underwater Exploration field laboratory applicable in volcanic lakes – A case study of the Danau Ranau volcanic geothermal system, Indonesia
11h40 - 12h00
Germán D. Padilla, P. Hernández, G. Melián, J. Barrancos, D. Calvo, N. Pérez
Diffuse CO₂ emission from volcanic lake: Seven years (2008-2015) of observations at Pinatubo, Philippines
12h00 - 12h20
Fátima Rodríguez, E. Padrón, P. Hernández, G. Melián, G. D. Padilla, J. Barranco, N. Pérez
Diffuse CO₂ degassing from the inner bay of the oceanic active volcanic island of Deception, Antartica
12h20 - 12h40
12h40 - 14h00
CONVENERS: Jennifer Lewicki & Franco Tassi
Keynote speaker: Agnes Mazot
Agnes Mazot. C. Asher, J. Yang, S. Inguaggiato, I. Chambefort
Near-continuous CO₂ flux measurements on volcanic lakes using an autonomous robot boat
14h00 - 14h30
C. Schwenk, S. Negele, F. Freundt, C.M. Balagiizi, W. Aeschbach, Bertram Boehrer
Noble Gas Thermometry in Lake Kivu Deep Water
14h30 - 14h50
M. Procesi, Jacopo Cabassi, D. Cinti, F. Tassi, F. Capecchiacci
Are sinkhole lakes in seismogenic areas potential geochemical monitoring sites?
14h50 - 15h10
Salvatore Inguaggiato, F. Vita, B. Schiavo, C. Inguaggiato, A. Mazot
Ongoing degassing crisis (2021-2023) in Vulcano Island, Italy, inferred by SO₂ plume fluxes and soil CO₂ fluxes
15h10 - 15h30
Ellen Thomas, H. Brumberger, S. Koetter, C. Cauley, J. Varekamp
Environmental evolution of Paulina Lake, Newberry Volcano (OR, USA)
15h30 - 15h50
Stefano Fazi, S. Amalfitano, L. Vimercati, S. Venturi, J. Cabassi, F. Capecchiacci, F. Tassi, O. Vaselli
The prokaryotic community of volcanic lakes in the Italian peninsula: how microbes affect GHG dynamics
15h50 - 16h10
Stefano Amalfitano, S. Fazi, A. Piacentini, S. Venturi, N. Pacini, L. Olaka, J. Cabassi, F. Capecchiacci, F. Tassi, O. Vaselli, A. Butturini
Biogenic methane dynamics associated with cyanobacterial blooms in an East African soda lake (Sonachi, Kenya)
16h10 - 16h30
16h30 - 17h00
17h00 - 18h00
18h30 - 19h30
C. Andrade, F. Viveiros, J. V. Cruz, L. Ferreira, R. Coutinho
Estimation of the CO₂ flux from volcanic lakes on the three active volcanoes of São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal)
F. Viveiros, C. Silva, S. Caliro, G. Chiodini, T. Ferreira, L. Moreno, D. Matias
Furnas Lake hydrothermal system – what we learned in the last decade from a gas geochemistry perspective
L. Ferreira, J. Cruz, F. Viveiros, N. Durães, R. Coutinho, C. Andrade, J. F. Santos
87Sr/86Sr signatures in Furnas Lake (São Miguel, Azores): implications of the monomictic character
S. Aguiar, J. Pacheco, A. Pimentel
Event-stratigraphy and physical parameters of the Furnas E eruption of Furnas volcano, São Miguel, Azores
C. Andrade, J. V. Cruz, F. Viveiros, L. Ferreira, R. Coutinho
Hydrogeochemical study of the largest volcanic lakes on São Miguel Island
J. M. Pacheco, J. L. Gaspar, G. Queiroz, N. Wallenstein, T. Ferreira
Furnas Volcano - the home of the greatest volcanic lake of the Azores
C. Andrade, J. V. Cruz, F. Viveiros, L. Ferreira, R. Coutinho
Influence of eutrophication processes on CO₂ flux emissions from volcanic lakes (Azores, Portugal)
C. Werner, B. Christenson, C. Ian Schipper
CO2 Emissions of the Taupo Volcanic Zone and Complexities in Estimating Subaqueous Degassing
G. Virgili
Unmanned Accumulation Chamber for ASV
Y. Danjuma, D. Rouwet
Geohazard assessment of Lake Tilla, Biu Volcanic Plateau, Nigeria
J. Cabassi, S. Calabrese, F. Tassi, M. Procesi, D. Cinti, O. Vaselli, D. Rouwet, G. Tamburello, G. Pecoraino, A. Grezio, L. L. Vigni, F. Capecchiacci, S. Venturi, S. Amalfitano, S. Fazi
International Summer Meetings & Schools as a tool for investigating volcanic lakes with multidisciplinary approaches
G. Pecoraino, D. Rouwet, G. Tamburello, M. Procesi, J. Cabassi
Fine-tuning in time and space: questioning the horizontal homogeneity of physical-chemical properties in a monomictic volcanic lake (Lake Albano, Rome, Italy)
A. Lerner, P. Nadeau, S. Hurwitz, S. Peek, E. Younger, M. Patrick, D. Damby, R. McCleskey, P. Kelly
The life and times of the historically unprecedented summit crater lake at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (2019–2020)
M. Armienta, S. De la Cruz-Reyna, S. Ramos, A. Gómez, A. Aguayo, O. Cruz, O. Neri
Chemical history of the crater-lake of El Chichón volcano, México, since its formation in 1982
B. Bertram
A practical approach to lake water density from electrical conductivity and temperature
R. Maximo, V. Olfindo, M. T. D. Quilalang-Gemal, R. U. Solidum, Jr.
Geochemical characterization of the thermal springs from Parker Volcano, T’boli, South Cotabato (Philippines)
L. A. Nche, T. Hasegawa, F. T. Aka, Y. Miyabuchi, Y. Kaneda, S.Watanabe, C. N. Ngwa
Stratigraphic sequence and geochemical characteristics of Lake Monoun Maar, Noun Plain, Western part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line.
T. Ohba, Y. Oginuma, K. Saiki, M. Kusakabe, Issa, T. A. Fouepe, R. Ntchantcho, G. Tanyileke, J. V. Hell
A depression containing CO₂ enriched water at the bottom of Lake Monoun, Cameroon, and implications for the 1984 limnic eruption
D. Rouwet, G. Giordano, A. L. Fischetti, G. González, A. Grezio, A. De Benedetti, P. Montanari
Three scenarios of a lahar triggering mechanism at Lake Albano (Rome, Italy) based on archaeological and volcanological evidence
S. Pappaterra, C. Inguaggiato, D. Rouwet, R. Mora-Amador, C. Ramírez-Umaña, G. González, L. Brusca, L. Peiffer, G. Levresse, S. Bellomo
Changes of Rare Earth Elements dissolved in the hyperacid Laguna Caliente crater lake (Poás volcano, Costa Rica) during a period of unrest (2006-2016)
P.R. Odello
Data Governance
E. Thomas, H. Brumberger, S. Koetter, C. Cauley, J. C. Varekamp
The resilience of life in volcanic lakes: ostracods in Paulina Lake (Newberry Volcano, OR, USA)
C.N. Cauley, J.C. Varekamp
Paulina Lake, Newberry Volcano, OR, USA: a modern analog of a BIF deposit?
08h30 Departure from the University of the Azores by bus.
Field trip to Fogo volcano (visit to the geothermal power plant and fumarolic fields).
17h00 Arrival at the University of the Azores by bus.
Preparation of field material in the laboratories of the University of the Azores.
08h30 Departure from the University of the Azores by bus.
Furnas Lake Field Work;
Lunch boxes will be provided in the first two days. On September 3rd a typical Azorean lunch cooked in the fumaroles will be served followed by a visit to the botanical Terra Nostra garden (thermal swimming pool available).
17h00 Arrival at the University of the Azores by bus.