On behalf of the IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Lakes and the Research Institute for Volcanology and Risks Assessment (IVAR), we are happy to invite you to participate in the 11th Workshop on Volcanic Lakes on São Miguel Island, Azores, from August 28th to September 5th 2023.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, such as hydrology, geochemistry, geophysics, limnology, microbiology, and physical volcanology to enable the exchange of ideas on a broad range of topics, including: state-of-the-art field measurement techniques; geochemical, geophysical, and microbiological characteristics and monitoring of volcanic lakes; modeling of volcanic lake system processes, and hazard forecasting and mitigation.
CVL 11 will offer formal scientific sessions and field visits to volcanic areas where intracaldera lakes exist. Visits are planned to the lakes of the quiescent Fogo, Furnas and Sete Cidades volcanoes at São Miguel Island. These lakes offer ample field sampling and measurement opportunities, including water column sampling and lake-surface degassing measurements. Additional geochemical and geophysical measurements on the fumarolic field around Furnas Lake are also an option.
The conference will be a perfect opportunity to approach a wide range of scientific activities around the study of volcanic lakes.