Research Institute for Volcanology and Risks Assessment - Ponta Delgada, Portugal
César Andrade

PhD degree in Geology, speciality Hydrogeology since 2019. He has been a Junior Researcher at the Research Institute for Volcanology and Risks Assessment from the University of the Azores since 2022, being also a member of the scientific board since 2019. After the PhD, was contracted by the Center for Information and Seismovolcanic Surveillance of the Azores, which develops consultancy and research activities, being responsible for various plans and reports such as the Regional Water Plan and the Azores River Basin District Management Plan, as well as monitoring the status of groundwater and surface water bodies throughout the Azores. Has also participated in several research projects, funded by regional and national entities. The core of activity has been focused on the quantification and source of the CO2 flux that is emitted from the surface in the volcanic lakes of the Azores archipelago.
He has published 21 articles on ISI journals, mainly related to diffuse degassing through volcanic lakes, hydrogeology and groundwater hydrogeochemistry, surface water chemistry, and other hydrological and geochemical aspects concerning water resources, being eight as main author and the remaining as co-author.
He has reviewed more than 50 articles in international journals such as the Science of the total Environment journal, Water, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research and Journal of Geochemical Exploration, and since March 2020 he has been a member of the Editorial Board of Water (IF=3.530; 2021).